2012: Vandenberg AFB (Santa Barbara, California)

The 2012 PLC retreat and action were hosted and organized by the community of Beatitude House in Guadalupe, California which also includes the Apel-Hernadez’s of Santa Maria. Between them and the Los Angeles Catholic Worker, the Pacific Life Community is exceedingly grateful to have such a good “in” with the keepers of the amazingly lovely La Casa de Maria retreat center in Montecito (right next to Santa Barbara).

The focus of the action was Vandenberg Air Force Base. Among other things, Vandenberg is the western end of the Ronald Reagan Missile Test Range which extends to Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The U.S. military has commandeered this island paradise for comfortable use by its contractors and personnel, forcing the native islanders to live on tiny Ebeye Island, making it one of the most densely populated places on Earth (along with the Gaza Strip).

Jim Haber’s photos of the 2012 PLC Retreat

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