PLC Calls Out Lockheed Martin for its support for Israeli War Crimes

This is a late posting from the local, monthly Pacific Life Community action last August at Monthly vigil at Lockheed Martin's Sunnyvale plant in August, 2014 drew attention to the corporation's involvement with Israel, supporting its war crimes with weapons and technology.tLockheed Martin in Sunnyvale. In August, the fourth-Friday, noontime vigil addressed the onslaught on Gaza as well as the usual issue of nuclear weapon delivery systems (notably he Trident D-5 missile) that has long been a focus of the PLC.

Monthly vigil at Lockheed Martin’s Sunnyvale plant in August, 2014 drew attention to the corporation’s involvement with Israel, supporting its war crimes with weapons and technology.

For more images of that month’s action, see Jim Haber’s set of images on Flickr. (Sorry they’re not up on this PLC site already. Thought they were.

As we prepare for this year’s PLC Retreat which will be calling out Lockheed during our gathering in the South Bay February 28 to March 1, I want people to see some of what the local group has been up to as well as the weekly advent vigils that happened in December.

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